Sunday, April 27, 2014

Easy Update

Here's an updated photo of Easy in service at a Habitat To Humanity building project in Springfield, MO.  Read the related story of the trip there here.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Don't End Up In The Doghouse Again This Year!

Don't end up in the doghouse again this year!

 Valentine's Day is February 14, 2014 this year, (as it is every year)!

Fellers Come on!  The date never changes.  Yet, every year we hear horror stories of the one that forgot.  Or of the last minute rush to buy up what ever pickin's are left from those who remembered.

Well we, here at the RovingCraftShop, are here to help you.  We have a special selection of our "Feel Good Mirrors" just for the occasion.  We understand that one of the main reasons for the last minute shopping is that you're waiting to find that one of a kind, unique, special gift that all of her girlfriends don't have and won't get.  (At least that's the story we're sticking with.  Work with us here!) 

Our Economy Line Of Custom made "Feel Good Mirrors"

17" Diamond Shape Custom Frameless Mirror

12" Octagon Shape Custom Frameless Mirror

12" Round Shape Custom Frameless Mirror

12" Square Shape Custom Frameless Mirror

All of our Feel Good Mirrors can be ordered with custom text to send that special message to that special person.  We also have stock message mirrors ready for shipping (for you "wait 'till the last minute" guys).  See some samples below.

12" Octagon "Know That I Love You" frameless beveled mirror
12" Round "Be My Valentine" frameless beveled mirror
17" Diamond "Happy Valentine's Day" frameless beveled mirror
12" Square "Today, Tomorrow, Forever" frameless beveled mirror

Any of these mirrors can be ordered at The Roving Craft Shop.

Tomorrow we'll show you samples of our economy framed "Feel Good Mirrors".